Posted By Gregory

WP Cerber Security 8.6

The coronavirus pandemic is not an excuse; we continue developing new versions of WP Cerber and supporting our customers.

Since WP Cerber 8.6 the minimum supported PHP version is 5.6. If you’re still on 5.x versions of PHP, we strongly encourage you to update PHP to version 7.3.

Integration with Cloudflare

WP Cerber 8.6 brings integration with the Cloudflare firewall. It’s implemented as a special WP Cerber add-on and available to download for free from our website. Know more about Cloudflare add-on.

Updates and improvements

The malware scanner has got improvements to the monitoring of new and modified files feature. Now it can be set to Disable, Executable files, or All files. The recommended option is “Executable files.” It’s a default value; no actions needed.

WordPress malware scanner new settings

Additional search fields for the Activity log. They enable you to find a specific request by its Request ID (RID) or/and to search for a string in the request URL.

WordPress new WP Cerber activity filters

Minor updates

The wording and the layout of the plugin settings pages were improved.

The label Session ID (SID) was renamed to Request ID (RID) to reflect its real meaning.

Have any questions?

If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered here: G2.COM/WPCerber.

I'm a team lead in Cerber Tech. I'm a software & database architect, WordPress - PHP - SQL - JavaScript developer. I started coding in 1993 on IBM System/370 (yeah, that was amazing days) and today software engineering at Cerber Tech is how I make my living. I've taught to have high standards for myself as well as using them in developing software solutions.

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