
WP Cerber Security 8.6.3

English version: WP Cerber Security 8.6.3 Enquanto médicos de todo o mundo lutam contra o COVID-19, continuamos desenvolvendo o WP Cerber para que você possa proteger seu WordPress de forma mais eficaz. Esta atualização traz as seguintes melhorias para o seu site. Novo: Um carregamento em massa de entradas da lista de acesso . Use um [...]


WP Cerber Security 8.6

The coronavirus pandemic is not an excuse; we continue developing new versions of WP Cerber and supporting our customers. Since WP Cerber 8.6 the minimum supported PHP version is 5.6. If you’re still on 5.x versions of PHP, we strongly encourage you to update PHP to version 7.3. Integration with Cloudflare WP Cerber 8.6 brings [...]

Development versions

Development version

English version: Development version Apesar da pandemia de coronavírus, estamos comprometidos em desenvolver novas versões do plugin e em apoiar nossos clientes. Esta versão do WP Cerber traz integração com o firewall Cloudflare. Ele é implementado como um complemento especial do WP Cerber e está disponível para download gratuito [...]


WP Cerber Security 8.5.9

This version adds several minor features, improvements and bug fixes. It also has been updated and tested to fully support and be compatible with PHP 7.4. On the Live Traffic log, now you can search and filter out requests with software errors if they occurred. Two new fields in the Advanced Search form allow you to either search a [...]


WP Cerber Security 8.5.8

The minimum supported PHP version now is 5.5. Later this year it will be set to 5.6. If you’re still on 5.x versions of PHP, we strongly encourage you to update PHP to at least PHP 7.2. Why do you need to do that? Web servers running older versions of PHP may be exposed to unpatched security vulnerabilities in the PHP core or [...]

Security Blog

Excluindo dados pessoais

Depending on configuration during its normal operations WP Cerber can accumulate information in the website database. This information can be considered as personal data in terms of applicable privacy law (such as GDPR). All that data can be deleted as well as exported by a user request from within the WordPress dashboard with easy, no [...]

Security Blog

Exportando dados pessoais de logs

English version: Exporting personal data from logs Dependendo da configuração durante o seu funcionamento normal, o WP Cerber pode acumular informações no banco de dados do site. Estas informações podem ser consideradas dados pessoais nos termos da lei de privacidade aplicável (como o GDPR ). Todos esses dados podem ser exportados por [...]


WP Cerber Security 8.5.6

What’s new Now you can separately set the number of days of keeping log records in the database for authenticated (logged in) website users and non-authenticated (not logged in) visitors. These settings are configured for both the activity log and the live traffic log separately too. Improvements and updates You can completely turn [...]


WP Cerber Security 8.5.5

To make the protection of WordPress stronger, we have to strengthen Cerber’s algorithms regularly. This version of WP Cerber brings a whole lot of small improvements and optimizations to the plugin code; most noticeable are listed below. New features IP Access Lists now support IPv6 networks, ranges, and wildcards. Add as many [...]