Security Blog

WP Cerber Software Repository

We have launched our own software repository as a part of our contingency plan to ensure uninterruptible software update process for our customers.

What is it?

The WP Cerber software repository is our special website where we publish updates to our plugins and add-ons allowing our customers update them from within WordPress dashboard in a hassle-free way automatically or with a manual approval.

How it works

The repository is supported and enabled by default since WP Cerber version 9.2. You can update the plugin manually clicking the “update now“ link on the “Plugins” admin page or automatically depending on the configuration of your website. Technically, it works as a fallback for the repository; meaning that if a newer version of the plugin is available in the repository, the plugin is installed from it. The use of the repository can be disabled in the main WP Cerber settings.

How to enable automatic updates

Please read this guide: How to enable automatic updates for WP Cerber

Is it safe?

The plugin updates we upload to our repository are the same we upload to the plugin repository. It is the software we proud of and have responsibility for. All files are located on a dedicated server disk with read-only access from the Internet. Code and script execution is disabled on this disk. We do not install third-party software on our servers other than open source.

The only official WP Cerber repository URL is:

Why did we do that?

Like other plugin developers we, believe it or not, have no control over plugin updates we upload on At any given time, a plugin can become a “persona non grata” because the internal repository rules have suddenly changed, and the developer must rewrite the plugin code to meet new requirements. If they fail to do that swiftly, the plugin will be temporarily closed. We, on the contrary, believe our customers must have the ability to get software updates in any circumstances. Especially, it’s true for security updates. This is our first goal.

The next goal on our roadmap is to provide continuous deployment of small software updates and new add-ons. Having flexible settings, our customers will be able to install and update our software according to their needs, schedule, and preferences.

Have any questions?

If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered here: G2.COM/WPCerber.

I'm a team lead in Cerber Tech. I'm a software & database architect, WordPress - PHP - SQL - JavaScript developer. I started coding in 1993 on IBM System/370 (yeah, that was amazing days) and today software engineering at Cerber Tech is how I make my living. I've taught to have high standards for myself as well as using them in developing software solutions.

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