WP Cerber Security 4.1
- New setting Date format field allows you to specify a desirable format for displaying dates and time. To specify a format use special characters from the list: Recognizable characters in the Date format setting
- Updated code for ‘registration_errors’ filter to handle errors right way.
- The French translation has been updated.
Fixed issues
- Loading settings from a file with reCAPTCHA key and secret on a different website overwrite existing reCAPTCHA key and secret with values from the file.
- The plugin tries to validate reCAPTCHA on WooCommerce login form if the validation enabled for the default WordPress login form only.
Download link: http://wpcerber.com/downloads/wp-cerber.zip
Wonder what WP Cerber got in the previous version?
Review the release note for WP Cerber Security 4.0.
How to install WP Cerber on your WordPress
Enable automatic updates in the plugin settings or use this instruction on how to install WP Cerber if you do not have it on your website.
Have any questions?
If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered on the community forum.
Spotted a bug or glitch?
We’d love to fix it! Share your bug discoveries with us here: Bug Report.
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