Posted By Nick

WP Cerber Security 9.6.7

The latest version of WP Cerber has arrived! We’re continuing to refine and optimize its codebase, clearing out outdated functions and making the architecture leaner and more efficient. The minimum required PHP version is now 7.3, while PHP 8.x delivers the best performance and security benefits. These improvements keep WP Cerber stable, secure, and ready for the future of WordPress.

Manage WP Cerber in Your Preferred Language

WP Cerber’s admin interface can now be displayed in any language, independent of your WordPress site’s main language. Translations for the selected language are downloaded from the WP Cerber repository. This feature is available when the WP Cerber repository is enabled in Main Settings. Once enabled, a language selector becomes available in the Personal Preferences section. Select the language, click Save Changes, and voilà: you get your admin pages rendered in your chosen language within seconds.

Better Redirection Logging in Live Traffic

The Live Traffic log now clearly highlights all 301 and 302 HTTP redirections, making it easier to spot users being redirected. Additionally, redirections specifically triggered by WP Cerber are now marked separately, providing better visibility into security-related actions.

Smarter Logging for WP Cerber Redirections

For better security monitoring, all redirections triggered by WP Cerber are now always logged in Traffic Inspector at any logging level and highlighted in green for visibility. This provides a clearer picture of user activity.

Performance and Usability Enhancements

  • WP Cerber’s database management has been improved to reduce unnecessary SQL queries when updating database tables. This results in faster and more efficient updates, lowering the load on your server.
  • Some heavy SQL queries used for rendering WP Cerber’s admin pages are now cached in WordPress’s persistent object cache if it is available (yep, Redis!). This reduces database requests and improves page loading speed for a more responsive interface.
  • Phrasing for date and version-related messages has been adjusted for clarity and consistency.
  • WP Cerber cookies now include the SameSite=Strict attribute, improving overall security.
  • Duplicate log links within pop-up explainers on the Activity Log page have been removed to create a cleaner experience.

Bug Fixes

A bug that caused repeated translation file update requests has been fixed. WP Cerber now correctly manages translation updates without failed requests.

Wonder what WP Cerber got in the previous version?

Review the release note for WP Cerber Security 9.6.6.

How to install WP Cerber on your WordPress

Enable automatic updates in the plugin settings or use this instruction on how to install WP Cerber if you do not have it on your website.

Have any questions?

If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered on the community forum.

Spotted a bug or glitch?

We’d love to fix it! Share your bug discoveries with us here: Bug Report.

I'm a software engineer and team lead at Cerber Tech. I started coding in 1993 on IBM System/370 and today software engineering at Cerber Tech is how I make my living.

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