WordPress notifications and alerts made easy
WP Cerber alerts and notifications allow you to effortlessly monitor specific activities on your website whenever you need to.
Once you have created an alert for a specific activity, you will receive a notification email or an optional mobile notification for each event. You can create as many alerts as you need.
Creating alerts for specific events is easy. You can do this by going to the Activity tab, filtering the log for the activity you wish to monitor, and clicking the Create Alert button located in the top right-hand corner of the page. In the pop-up window shown below, select the type of notifications you want to receive: mobile, email, or both.

In this example, email alerts will be sent to the email address on the admin’s profile until March 31, 2023. The number of allowed alerts per hour (rate limiting) is capped in the global notification settings.
Note: The ability to select channels for notifications is a feature available exclusively in the professional version of WP Cerber.
You will receive notifications until the alert condition is deleted by you, or the optional limit on the number of notifications or expiration date has been reached. To avoid excessive emails or mobile notifications, you can configure rate limiting in the notification settings.
You can combine as many filters (conditions) as you need, and the notification will only be sent if all specified conditions are true. Check our examples below on the page.
Below, we will provide some practical examples of how to use WP Cerber notifications and alerts to monitor security events on your WordPress website. You will learn how to set up alerts for specific events and activities, as well as configure notification settings to suit your needs. These examples will help you to take advantage of the powerful notification and alert features offered by WP Cerber.
Getting notifications for each user login
Go to the Activity tab, click on Logged in, and then click the Create Alert button. In the pop-up window, select the channel through which you want to receive alerts. See the screenshot below.
Now to get notified if a user has logged in by using an email instead of the username
Monitoring a specific activity of a WordPress user originating from a given IP address
First, go to the Activity tab. From the activity drop-down list, select an activity you want to monitor. Then, select a user you want to monitor. Enter an IP address you want to monitor into the next text field and click the Filter button. Finally, click the Create Alert button to set up an alert for this specific activity.
Where my notifications will be delivered to?
WP Cerber notification emails will be sent to the email addresses you see in the Notifications section. If you don not specify any email address there, notification are sent to the Email Address you have set on the General Settings admin page of your WordPress (Settings -> General -> Email Address ).
If you have set up mobile push notifications via Pushbullet, you will receive pop-up messages on a selected device or in a desktop browser. Read more: setting up push notifications for your smartphone or desktop browser.
Stopping alerts and notifications
To stop receiving notifications and delete an alert, simply click the delete link in the footer of a notification email or a push message. Please note that you must be logged in (authorized) on your website to delete an alert.
You can also delete an alert from the Activity page if you specify the same conditions as the alert was created.
An alert will be automatically deleted when it reaches the optional limits you have set on the alert creation pop-up dialog.
Have any questions?
If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered on the community forum.
Spotted a bug or glitch?
We’d love to fix it! Share your bug discoveries with us here: Bug Report.
Thank you for this nice piece of software.
Since gmail does not receive the notification emails sent from WP-Cerber with messages like this:
status=bounced (host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[xx.xxx.xx.xx] said: 550-5.7.1 [yy.yyy.yy.yy] The IP address sending this message does not have a 550-5.7.1 PTR record setup. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from 550-5.7.1 IPs with missing PTR records. Please visit 550-5.7.1 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126#authentication for more 550 5.7.1 information.
I think, I need to send WPCeber notification emails through an authenticated server. Is this possible?
Yes, sure. You need to use an external mail server like Mailgun and install SMTP plugin like this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-wp-smtp/