WP Cerber Security 1.2
Add localization & internationalization files. You can use Loco Translate plugin to make your own translation. Add Russian translation. Add headers for failed attempts to use such headers with fail2ban. WordPress Security How to limit the number of concurrent user sessions in WordPress WordPress Security Managing WordPress [...]
WP Cerber Security 1.1
Add ability to filter out Activity List by IP, username or particular event. You can see what happens and when it happened with particular IP or username. When IP reaches limit login attempts and when it was blocked. Add protection from adding to the Black IP Access List subnet belongs to current user’s session IP. Add option to [...]
Alternative to Limit Login Attempts plugin?
WP Cerber is the best possible alternative and drop in replacement for Limit Login Attempts plugin with a bunch of security features
WP Cerber Security 1.0
This brand new plugin inspired by Limit Login Attempts plugin. That was useful plugin. It worked fine for many of my client's sites for years. But now Limit Login Attempts is obsolete. Welcome WP Cerber!