WordPress Security
How to protect WordPress from modern cybersecurity threats
WP Cerber Security Hooks
A list of WordPress hooks available in WP Cerber version 3.0 and above. It’s handy to use them to customize and fine tune Cerber without coding (e.g. with the jetFlow.io plugin). Filters cerber_msg_reached Applied to the message that is displayed for a user if the user has reached the limit to the number of login attempts. The [...]
Using IP Access Lists to limit access and protect WordPress
An IP Access List (commonly referred to as ACL) enables you to restricts access to the WordPress admin dashboard, vital WordPress features, protect login and registration forms from accessing by unwanted computers and bots. WP Cerber supports two types of access lists: White IP Access List and Black IP Access List. Both access [...]
Cloudflare and WP Cerber
If your site is behind the Cloudflare proxy service and your WordPress is protected by the WP Cerber plugin, you have to do two things to let them work well together. Enable My site is behind a reverse proxy on the Main Settings page. If you have configured the Custom login URL, you have to exclude it from caching by Cloudflare’s [...]
Notifications on WordPress user logs in
It can be easily done by having the jetFlow.io plugin installed and using a tiny workflow. WordPress Security Managing WordPress application passwords a hassle-free way WordPress Security WP Cerber Bug Bounty Program WordPress Security How to limit the number of concurrent user sessions in WordPress WordPress Security Deleting [...]
A better way to automate WordPress
I am pleased to announce an absolutely new automation plugin that has recently arrived. The jetFlow plugin is an automation tool that brings power of workflows to your WordPress powered site. This new plugin allows you to automate almost any task or business process without coding knowledge. Furthermore, you can fine tune any aspect of [...]
Turn your WordPress into Fort Knox
This article assumes that we want to get a bulletproof protected website powered by WordPress. It’s not necessarily to do all the following steps word for word and point by point exactly as described. But I do recommend that if you want to create your own Fort Knox. WordPress Security Hardening WordPress with WP Cerber [...]
Limit login attempts without a plugin?
You can find plenty of comments and advice on that on the Internet. But is it real? WordPress Security WP Cerber Bug Bounty Program WordPress Security Managing WordPress application passwords a hassle-free way WordPress Security How to limit the number of concurrent user sessions in WordPress WordPress Security How to protect [...]
Hardening WordPress with WP Cerber
All suggested settings are highly recommended for most websites on the Internet. If you need, for some reason, provide access to the functions and features listed on this page from a particular computer or an IP network, you need to add them to the White IP Access List. Disable REST API The plugin restricts access to the [...]
Know more about intruder’s IP
To enable retrieving, check option: Drill down IP. To view the information click on a particular IP address on the Activity tab. Technical details To get extra information like country, company, network info and abuse contact WP Cerber uses requests to a limited set of external WHOIS servers which are maintained by appropriate [...]
Plugin Inspector
Want to know more about plugins you have installed on your blog? The Plugin Inspector plugin is an easy way to check plugins installed on your WordPress and make sure that plugins do not use deprecated WordPress functions and some unsafe functions like eval, base64_decode, system, exec, etc. Some of those functions may be used [...]
How to protect WordPress with Fail2Ban
By using WP Cerber Security and Fail2Ban together you can reinforce protection at the most effective level. That allows you to protect a WordPress from brute-force and DoS attacks at the OS level with iptables. Read more about attacks: Brute-force, DoS, and DDoS attacks – what’s the difference? Note: you have to have the root [...]
Hardening WordPress with WP Cerber and NGINX
NGINX is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server. WP Cerber is a free, open-source, security plugin which protects WordPress powered sites from intruders and hackers. How to hardening WordPress using WP Cerber and NGINX together First of all, you need to set up a Custom login URL and check Block direct access to [...]
How to find hidden login page on WordPress
Let’s assume you’ve decided to hide your WordPress login page and wp-admin dashboard from hackers by hiding these pages with a simple plugin or a trick. Do you think it works and nobody knows your secrets? Don’t be so naive. Anyone can easily find out login and dashboard pages with the following simple tricks. [...]
What to do if your WordPress site has been hacked
Immediately change passwords. Your WordPress user account and all accounts with administrative privileges on the website. The MySQL password for your website database and the password for MySQL server administrator. FTP too, if it is enabled. Reinstall WordPress. Manually remove old one and install again (do not forget to make backup of [...]
Recommended security settings for WP Cerber
We provide you with settings based on best security practices. This settings suitable for most of the WordPress powered sites in the Internet. See screenshot below to see how it’s easy. Limit login attempts Attempts 3 allowed retries in 60 minutes Lockout duration 60 minutes Aggressive lockout Increase lockout duration to 24 hours [...]