WP Cerber Security 9.3
This is a bug fix and code optimization version. If you are updating from any version older than WP Cerber 9.2, follow these steps to install this version: https://wpcerber.com/installation/
Fixed minor bugs
- A website admin is unable to manually remove a blocked IP network class C (with an asterisk) from the list of locked out IP addresses by clicking the “Remove” link on the Lockouts tab.
- “Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in … /cerber-common.php on line 4634”. The bug occurs while opening the “Plugins” admin page if the WordPress constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS is defined and it does not contain ‘downloads.wpcerber.com’.
Wonder what WP Cerber got in the previous version?
Review the release note for WP Cerber Security 9.2.2.
How to install WP Cerber on your WordPress
Enable automatic updates in the plugin settings or use this instruction on how to install WP Cerber if you do not have it on your website.
Have any questions?
If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered on the community forum.
Spotted a bug or glitch?
We’d love to fix it! Share your bug discoveries with us here: Bug Report.
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Hey, on the WordPress support site I was instructed to install from the zip file here.
All that is well and good, but I can’t enable automatic updates. My actual question is about that.
If there are updates from 9.3, the version I have installed manually, will I be notified of those updates from within WordPress so that I can install them manually?
I love the software and kinda want to get the pro version, but the site makes jack squat for ad revenue and the donations don’t even cover the hosting or the CDN. So, maybe with some growth I will get the pro version.
The manual installation is required only once. Installing WP Cerber 9.2 (or newer) immediately and forever changes the way your WordPress installs updates to WP Cerber. If an update is available on wordpress.org, it is installed from it. Otherwise, it is installed from the new WP Cerber repository. It means if plugins on a website are updated automatically, the same applies to WP Cerber, no manual updating is needed anymore. It’s configurable.
Can you shed some light on why WP Cerber is no longer part of the WordPress repository? I’m more than a tad concerned as to how this plugin was washed out of the repo with no notice and no return to the repo in over 2 months. And there’s hardly a word on the site about it. But, now I see that the plugin will be automatically updated after 9.2 directly from WP Cerber and outside of the entire WordPress infrastructure.
We see that the root cause is that WP Cerber, according to an email response of an anonymous plugin team member, is a “weird plugin”. The formal, but fair, reason is that we were late in responding to their initial security email. The security concern has been properly addressed, but unfortunately, that didn’t help and now they want us to rewrite hundreds of lines of code they do not like.
Hello, i’ve seen you have been removed from WP repository for a security issue. Can you tell me if, since the wordfence has reported the vulnerability (enumeration bypass https://www.wordfence.com/vulnerability-advisories/#CVE-2022-2939 ) you have fixed the problem in your latest versions? Will you be back on WP Repository? Thanks
The CVE-2022-2939 vulnerability has been fixed two months ago: https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-9-1/
Since the version 9.2, WP Cerber supports our alternative plugin repository to deliver updates, read more: https://wpcerber.com/cerber-sw-repository/
The date of returning the plugin to the wordpress.org repository yet to be announced. The security of customers’ websites and so the development of new versions (including bug fixes) is the only top priority for us. The process of returning has a lower priority.