WP Cerber Security 9.0
This is the least critical update associated with a major version ever, no breakthrough changes. To date, the 8 version has accumulated so many changes, and now it cannot fit new features and continuous improvements anymore. Please welcome WP Cerber 9.0. We can’t stop improving notifications. If you use the professional version of WP [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.9.6
This version brings a significant improvement to the alerts and fixes two critical bugs discovered in the previous version. The minimal recommended version is WordPress 5.5. The minimal supported version is still WordPress 4.9. Improvements to the alerting system If you’re familiar with WP Cerber, chances are you’ve used [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.9.5
This version brings a lot of small but important improvements, performance optimization, and bug fixes. Since WP Cerber 8.9.5 the minimal recommended version is WordPress 5.5. The minimal supported version is still WordPress 4.9. Some features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber. Activity logging improvements Logging [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.9.3
This is a security update. If you use two-factor authentication (2FA), please install this version ASAP. Improvements The scanner: checksums generated using manually uploaded ZIP archives have priority over the remote ones. It’s crucial if a plugin was installed from a vendor website located in the same folder as the free plugin on [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.9
This version brings a lot of small but important changes and updates to many parts of WP Cerber, but primarily to the malware scanner. Almost all aspects of file scanning have been improved and optimized. It means fewer false positives, more precise risk analysis, and better scan performance. Although most of them are under the hood, we [...]
How to view spam form submissions
If you’ve enabled WP Cerber’s anti-spam protection, the engine protects all or selected forms on your WordPress-powered website and denies attempts to submit spam. But how can we see submitted form data if a form submission was identified as spam? It’s possible by using Traffic Inspector logging capabilities. Enable the [...]
Development version 8.8.6
What’s new in this version You can specify the “User-Agent” string for requests from the main (master) Cerber.Hub website by defining the PHP constant CERBER_HUB_UA in the wp-config.php file. Here is the line you can use: define('CERBER_HUB_UA', 'My User Agent'); Diagnostic logging for network requests to the WP Cerber cloud. To [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.8.5
This version brings improvements to many WP Cerber’s admin pages. The pages became responsive and are rendered in an agile fashion. The database queries have been optimized, and its number has been reduced. New admin features Quick user activity analytics (user insights) with filtering links on the Activity and Live Traffic log [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.8.3
New login security features Disabling the default WordPress user authentication through the wp-login.php and using it as a honeypot When enabled, WP Cerber prevents any user authentication even with correct usernames and passwords. After an attempt to log in, WP Cerber shows the default incorrect password error message mimicking the [...]
Strong login security with WP Cerber
It’s no secret that bad actors can break into a newly installed WordPress within a few minutes by mounting a brute-force attack. It’s possible because WordPress has no built-in attack mitigation mechanisms, the default login URL is well known, and the username of a website’s admin can be discovered with ease. WP Cerber [...]
Removing malware without paying a dime
If you found your website infected with malware, you have many options to remove it. Most of them are paid, but one of them is free. It’s free if you are willing to do it by yourself following this guide. It is important to note that this approach will help you remove many types of WordPress malware but may fail in case of complex [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.8
We are excited to announce a major release of WP Cerber that brings several new features and multiple important improvements to many algorithms and parts of the plugin. Some of the features are available in the professional version of the plugin only. Application passwords management done right You get control over the use of WordPress [...]
Managing WordPress application passwords a hassle-free way
Using application passwords as a security measure was introduced in WordPress 5.6. This feature enables you and your users to generate and use separate passwords for accessing website APIs such as REST API. The WP Cerber plugin brings a set of tools to manage application passwords in an effective and secure way. In this article, we will [...]
How to limit the number of concurrent user sessions in WordPress
By default, WordPress has no limits applied to the number of concurrent sessions a user may create. This may pose a risk of compromising user security and personal data leakage. The professional version of WP Cerber enables you to enhance user accounts’ security by configuring a limit to the number of concurrent user sessions a [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.7
This version brings multiple code improvements to WP Cerber’s security algorithms and new features that enable you to manage concurrent user sessions in several ways. Limiting the number of allowed concurrent user sessions You can choose from two available policies to enforce if the specified limit is reached. One terminates the [...]