WP Cerber Security 8.5.8
The minimum supported PHP version now is 5.5. Later this year it will be set to 5.6. If you’re still on 5.x versions of PHP, we strongly encourage you to update PHP to at least PHP 7.2. Why do you need to do that? Web servers running older versions of PHP may be exposed to unpatched security vulnerabilities in the PHP core or [...]
Deleting personal data
Depending on configuration during its normal operations WP Cerber can accumulate information in the website database. This information can be considered as personal data in terms of applicable privacy law (such as GDPR). All that data can be deleted as well as exported by a user request from within the WordPress dashboard with easy, no [...]
Optimizing export performance
If you come across an issue with exporting a large number of activity events or the traffic log entries and so you’re unable to download the CSV file, you can tweak the plugin export mechanism. When WP Cerber creates an export file, it does it in several iterations, meaning it splits all the rows retrieved from the database into [...]
Exporting personal data from logs
Depending on configuration during its normal operations WP Cerber can accumulate information in the website database. This information can be considered as personal data in terms of applicable privacy law (such as GDPR). All that data can be exported by a user request or deleted from within the WordPress dashboard with easy, no database [...]
How to safely reinstall WordPress
Reinstalling WordPress is useful if some files were altered or missing, it’s a safe way to fix security issues with WordPress files. In the vertical WordPress admin menu click “Dashboard”, then the “Updates” submenu. It takes you to the “WordPress Updates” admin page as shown below. Click the [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.5.6
What’s new Now you can separately set the number of days of keeping log records in the database for authenticated (logged in) website users and non-authenticated (not logged in) visitors. These settings are configured for both the activity log and the live traffic log separately too. Improvements and updates You can completely turn [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.5.5
To make the protection of WordPress stronger, we have to strengthen Cerber’s algorithms regularly. This version of WP Cerber brings a whole lot of small improvements and optimizations to the plugin code; most noticeable are listed below. New features IP Access Lists now support IPv6 networks, ranges, and wildcards. Add as many [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.5.3
What makes a reliable and effective security solution? Always improving and moving forward. Always staying ahead of the game. This release brings several improvements, bug fixes, and code optimizations. It also brings compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.3. Integrity checker and malware scanner The scanner window has got a new [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.5
This version brings a lot of updates and code improvements. Most of them are under the hood. New features A new Data Shield module for advanced protection of user data and vital settings in the website database. Available in the PRO version. Improvements Compatibility with WooCommerce significantly improved. Strict filtering for the [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.4
Today’s cybersecurity landscape is changing and cybercrime is evolving. So it’s crucial to constantly improve our security arsenal. Every new release we make WP Cerber even stronger implementing multiple improvements to its security algorithms, some of them are visible, some of them are hidden under the hood. More flexible [...]
WP Cerber Security 8.3
In responding to new cybersecurity threats and risks, we continue to improve the intelligence of WP Cerber Security algorithms. Here is what you get with this version. Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress You can protect user accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA) in a couple of clicks. This feature provides an additional layer [...]
Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress
Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA provides an additional layer of security requiring a second factor of identification beyond just a username and password. Two-factor authentication has long been used to control access to personal and financial data processed in banks or insurance companies; and today website owners are increasingly using [...]
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in … Sometimes you might see this message in the server error log or have it displayed on a web page. It’s frustrating and looks like something’s wrong with the PHP script that is mentioned in the message. In fact, this message indicates a problem (a [...]
Development version 8.2.3
While a new version of Cerber Security for WordPress in the works, you can get early access to last code improvements and bug fixes. Use this link to download this version: https://my.wpcerber.com/downloads/wp-cerber.zip Improvements Handling the installed license key has been improved to avoid conflicts with caching plugins and caching [...]
Why Your Log Tables Are Growing and How to Fix It
WP Cerber uses a set of scheduled tasks to maintain its database tables. These maintenance tasks are performed regularly using WordPress cron jobs. Among other responsibilities, these tasks clean and optimize the plugin’s database tables to prevent them from growing uncontrollably. In rare cases, scheduled background tasks may fail to [...]