Managing Log Tables for a Healthy WordPress Database
Keeping your WordPress site secure and efficient is no small feat, especially with a robust plugin like WP Cerber working tirelessly in the background. A key part of WP Cerber’s functionality involves logging events and traffic using two database tables: cerber_log and cerber_traffic. While these logs are crucial for monitoring and [...]
Troubleshooting login issues with WP Cerber
Although WP Cerber handles user authorizations smoothly, sometimes you (or your customer) can get into a situation when WP Cerber denies all attempts to log in with no obvious reason and you can’t get into the website dashboard. Usually, this happens when you’re trying to log in from a different device or a different browser. Follow the [...]
How to get User Switching working with WP Cerber
The User Switching plugin is a handy admin tool that enables you to switch between WordPress user accounts quickly. However, if you’ve configured the custom login page in the WP Cerber settings, the User Switching plugin might not work. To get the user switching feature to work again, go to the Main Settings, and enable [...]
My custom 404 page does not work
When you configure how WP Cerber blocks unauthorized access to the default login page and your WordPress dashboard, you can select how to render the 404 pages for those locations. It can be either a simple, plain 404 page or a custom 404 page styled and rendered by the active theme or a visual WordPress page builder. Unfortunately, not [...]
What is RID and how to use it
RID is a Request ID or a unique request identifier. It’s a unique string that WP Cerber generates for every logged HTTP request and writes to the log along with other request details. The main reason for using RID is to look up a particular request in the log while performing maintenance tasks. This is especially useful when a [...]
Troubleshooting malware scanner issues
If you come across an issue with the malware scanner, your go-to tool is diagnostic logging. Normally and by default it’s disabled. 1. Enable diagnostic logging in the scanner settings To do this, click the “Site Integrity” menu and then click the “Settings” tab, turn on “Enable diagnostic [...]
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in … Sometimes you might see this message in the server error log or have it displayed on a web page. It’s frustrating and looks like something’s wrong with the PHP script that is mentioned in the message. In fact, this message indicates a problem (a [...]
Why Your Log Tables Are Growing and How to Fix It
WP Cerber uses a set of scheduled tasks to maintain its database tables. These maintenance tasks are performed regularly using WordPress cron jobs. Among other responsibilities, these tasks clean and optimize the plugin’s database tables to prevent them from growing uncontrollably. In rare cases, scheduled background tasks may fail to [...]
Contact Form 7 are not working
If your Contact Form 7 form doesn’t work, you need to add a namespace exception for REST API on the Hardening tab. Enter contact-form-7 in the Allow these namespaces setting field as shown on the screenshot below. WordPress Security WP Cerber Bug Bounty Program WordPress Security Managing WordPress application passwords a [...]
How to avoid blocking of legitimate requests
Protecting your website, during its normal operations, WP Cerber inspects all incoming requests to your website and blocks suspicious and harmful ones. On rare occasions, WP Cerber might erroneously block legitimate requests and prevents the website from functioning correctly. If you see legitimate requests that are denied as [...]
Configuring exceptions for the anti-spam engine
Usually, you need to configure anti-spam exceptions if you use a technology that communicates with your website by submitting forms or sending POST requests programmatically. In such cases, WP Cerber can block legitimate requests because it can recognize them as generated by bots. This leads to false positives, which you can see on the [...]
I’m getting “Probing for vulnerable code”
During its normal operations, the WP Cerber’s firewall inspects all incoming requests to your website and blocks suspicious and harmful ones. It’s normal to see requests marked as “Probing for vulnerable code”. Nowadays they occur regularly and mean the firewall recognized a request as malicious and denied it. You [...]
Configuring IP address detection
On some web servers, WP Cerber cannot detect IP addresses automatically due to a non-standard server configuration or running the website behind a reverse proxy. That means WP Cerber is unable to protect your website and can even lock you out of your WordPress dashboard. Is your website behind a proxy? A reverse proxy is a specialized [...]
How to fix errors with database tables
Sometimes, when you move your WordPress to a new hosting or restore the website from a backup, some database tables that are created and used by WP Cerber Security might become corrupted or be deleted. To fix this issue and repair the WP Cerber tables, follow the steps below. Log into the WordPress admin dashboard. In the admin menu, [...]